> What happends if an animal eats magic mushrooms?

What happends if an animal eats magic mushrooms?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Iv always wonded what would happen to an animal such as a horse or cow ate them because they have them in their dwilds and stuff

They too would be poisoned and see hallucinations etc. They are much larger so would need to consume much more. I don't think they eat many mushrooms mostly focusing on the grass and some green herbs.

Rich, magic mushrooms are Psilocybin mushrooms. They aren't magical but they do exist.

Lol magic mushrooms don't exist

Depending on how much you had, their strength, and your mental state, this hightened sense of perception may be accompanied with a disconnection with reality, which is commonly referred to as "wigging out."

There is nothing quite like wigging out. It can happen from edible pot, or from smoking pot, but I venture to say it's not as extreme from pot, or potentially long-lasting. I've only wigged out from mushrooms a couple times, but I've never noticeably freaked out. It basically feels like you are not taking part in the real world, as if you are instead watching a movie of yourself, but things are very confusing. You sort of black out mentally, then you become confused, try to figure out where you are, and have a difficult time accepting the fact the what you are experiencing is in fact the present moment.

The best precaution to take from absolutely losing it, in the case that you do wig out, is to prewarn yourself that this may happen and remind yourself that when it does you will be fine if you just relax and let it pass. And then when it happens you remember telling yourself that it may happen, and hopefully you trust your own memory insomuch as you can convince yourself to stay calm. If you do trust this reassurance, it will hopefully keep you calm and relaxed.

On the other hand, it's definitely possible to wig out and not stay level. I had a friend who lost it a few times and then thought he was Jesus Christ for a few months and was committed to an insane asylum. Although he had no prior symptoms, he developed symptoms very similar to bipolar disorder, and fifteen years later at 30-something he still lives with his mom, doesn't work, and collects disability, but his dilutions, lies, and erratic behavior are mostly gone.

Another word to the wise: you don't want to take mushroom the same way one might justify "drinking their troubles away." No good ever came from "eating magic mushrooms... one's troubles away." It is best, and *highly recommended* to be very confident with yourself and your life if you decide to take mushrooms.

From my experience, people who are more prone to really freaking out when then wig out, or are prone to lasting negative affects from the drug, are the same people who can't hold their liquor and act like fools after a couple drinks, or who smoke two hits of weed and get massive anxiety or think they're dying, or the people who happen to be genetically predisposed to bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, etc.

I'm 30 now, took mushrooms the first time when I was 14, and still take them from time to time (maybe every few years). Words of caution to those who may take them: take some that people have tested so you know how strong they are. Take a little bit and then take more 45 mins to one hour later for stronger affects. Smoke some pot 15-20 minutes after taking them because it makes for a seamless transition from sober to tripping. *marijuana definitely hightens the sensation from mushrooms*. Smoke pot throughout your trip for best trip. Don't drink booze. It has almost no affect other then making you dehydrated.

Magic mushrooms can be extremely enlightening, fun, and hilarious. But they are like playing Russian roulet with your brain and future. So be careful ;)

They would wake up from their dream.

Iv always wonded what would happen to an animal such as a horse or cow ate them because they have them in their dwilds and stuff