> What gender are my parakeets?

What gender are my parakeets?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
They look young and if so, you can't tell their age by looks. They would need a DNA test by a vet, or you can get a DNA test online relatively cheap. The test is done on a feather (or blood but I would opt for a feather). They are adorable though! I would contact the previous owner and see if they have been DNA'd and she "knows" the sex, or if she is just going by looks.

They are to young to tell for sure but the blue/grey cere seem to have a bluish tint. Amd the white a pinkish cere. So i think she is right.

How old are they, if they are both under a year old then it may be next to impossible to tell.

If over a year old they look like females to me.

Cute picture , But a vet will be able to tell to which is which .

I got them only a few days ago. The lady I bought them from said the blueish grey one was a male and the white one was female, but the more I look at them the more I think that their ceres look the same. I feel like they're both females. I really hope I'm wrong because I wanted a male and a female!

By the way I already gave them names.

The "male" is Foster and the "female" is Quill.

Hope this was a good enough picture