> What dose it mean if you see two owls seating on the point of your roof and one on your neighbors roof.?

What dose it mean if you see two owls seating on the point of your roof and one on your neighbors roof.?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It means their nest is nearby or you have a lot of mice for them to eat in the area.

Hi . They might have just left the nest as its that time of the year when they Fledge

I live in a townhouse and there are four house connected together and a lot of other townhouses beside of me and the 1 owl was on my roof and 1 owl was on my neighbors roof talking to each other it sounds very weird and then like a year later I see one on my roof and I don't know if the other one was around on somebody else's roof r not and I just didn't see it i only seen the one but this time it wasn't saying nothing and I went up stairs to get my phone so I could take a picture of it and I did but no sooner I got the picture it flew away does this mean anything