> What does it mean to see an owl sit near by in the wild, or fly in front or above u?

What does it mean to see an owl sit near by in the wild, or fly in front or above u?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
In mythology, it is a token of bad luck or a foreboding that something bad is soon going to happen to you. However, I don't believe in luck or mythology. If you saw an owl sitting on a tree limb, for example, it was looking for food or a mate. If the owl flew over you or in front of you, then it was probably either flying to a better perch or it was hunting rodents. I love owls, but I hardly see them even when I hear them.

Owls have many different symbolisms depending on the culture. The greeks associated owls with the greek goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. Therefore, owls were a good sign.Other cultures demonized the birds because of the large eyes they carried, and considered them bad luck.

Here are some great links explaining the symbolism :

Shamanic symbolism : http://www.whats-your-sign.com/animal-sy...

Greek symbolism : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owl_of_Athe...

Celtic symbolism : http://something-wicca.blogspot.ca/2012/...

Japanese symbolism : http://forestbear.hubpages.com/hub/owls-...

It means you saw an owl sit/fly nearby you.

Any meaning you want to impart into it is your own.

It means you saw a damn owl. What would you like, a medal?