> What do I do with a wild turtle?

What do I do with a wild turtle?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
leave him in the same area, just help it across the road. do not put it in water or a stream/lake because it will drown.

Your last idea is best. Release it on the side of the road that it was headed toward.

Help it across yes. I mean, i wouldn't recommend it, but you could keep it as a pet. My late grandfather found one in a dried out lake about 9 years ago, and he took it and now we inherited it. I don't agree with it, but it still is a good pet, and keep it it memory of my grandfather.

Just release it into the wild.

You should take it to an expert, or someone who knows how to take care of turtles.

Ok so I'm in West Virginia and I found an eastern box turtle in the middle of the road, literally 20 yards from my house. I took it home because I didn't want it to get run over. It's currently alive, just hiding in his shell. Should I put him back or take him across the road from where he was going?