> What causes man-eating in animals?

What causes man-eating in animals?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
If the animal has broken teeth they might not be able to take down their normal prey, so turn to humans for easy meals. Other than that it will likely be sickness, injuries, or even old age that can turn one into a man-eater.

If a human enters the territory of the animal, he will be killed. Just how the animal will be killed if he enters human territory such as a village. The only place I know of where it often happens is the Sundarbans, where Bengal tigers frequently hunt humans.

In Burma, the villagers wear masks on the back of their heads to prevent an attack via ambush. It is tigers that have the most recorded kills of being man-eaters. In the 1900s one tiger killed over 430 humans, she is known as the Champawat tigress.

I hope that helped you.

We all know that naturally, predators don't target humans . I think your premise is wrong . Humans have learned to defend themselves much better in the last few centuries . Not that far back in prehistory we were on the menu .

On Wikipedia there's a huge list dedicated to a multitude of man eating imcidents, with animals ranging from Russian Wolves to African Lions. We all know that naturally, predators don't target humans unless sick or injured, but these animals were all documented healthy. Is there a gene or mutation in these particular animals that caused them to behave this way?