> What can i do to make my budgie warn in the winnter since i cant bring him in the house?

What can i do to make my budgie warn in the winnter since i cant bring him in the house?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Right now its nice and hot outside, I can't blame them for wanting to stay out. But, winter will come and you have to do what's in their best interest. I live in south Florida. It's always nice here. As a teen, my best friend forgot to bring her tiels in. They caught a chill and the vet was unable to save them. Don't let this happen to your birds. They may not like the indoors but it's a whole lot better than dead birds. Trust me.

I had that exact problem I put a board that we had spare and also put a blanket on top of the cage as well I also brought a little hut and they camped in that at nigh which kept them warm because I put an old cut up tea towel in that so there are some tips

Bring them inside for the winter!!!

I saw an article the other day about this, let me check my history real fast and I will get back with the link

My budgie is an outdoor bird and hates being inside ( i don't know why) and i was just wondering if there is anything i can do to make they budgies warmer i already put a blanket on top of the cage but that doesn't seem to be doing anything.and im worried that the budgies would be to cold since its winter so what do i do to keep them warm?