> What can I do about this rooster on my porch?

What can I do about this rooster on my porch?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Get a chicken coop and keep it outside if your mom won't let you keep it inside. Take care of it until you find the owner.

Idiots...above me.

Set up flyers and ask around for a found rooster XD if its that friendly it must have belong to someone

Maybe see if any of your neighbors are missing a rooster?

This random Black Rooster is on my porch and I don't know who it belongs to. Its a really nice Rooster and it lets me pet it. Every time I leave it makes this crowing crying sound. I feel bad for it, but my mom won't let me keep in the house. Its always on my porch what should I do. I cant keep it :(