> What breed is this brownish bird?

What breed is this brownish bird?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Sounds like wren behavior, but that's just a guess. Whatever it is, there's not a lot you can do, other than maybe putting up nest boxes or nest shelters for various possible birds. Check with your local Audubon Society or equivalent.

Odds are it is a House Wren. It really isn't feeding on spiders but gathering nest material. I watched one the other day clean the underside of the bbq grill. She/he had cobweb plastered to its face as it pulled them off.

Hello, I live in Canada in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. I keep seeing this brownish colored bird flying vigorously upside down in the daytime around the eaves of my porch, eating spider nests and small baby spiders in the dark corners. Every year I see this bird going after all those spiders around my porch before these spiders get bigger in the summertime, but then the bird stops coming late Spring and some of those spiders managed to survive and grow into big spiders and then there are webs all over my porch, then they build nests full of baby spiders later in the Fall. What kind of bird food can I put outside in my porch so this bird can keep coming back throughout the whole summer?