> What birds are common in Wisconsin and Michigan?

What birds are common in Wisconsin and Michigan?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Probably your best source is eBirds. The data can be manipulated easily. You could look at what was seen last year for the time you will be there etc etc. There is uptodate current info for the county you are in (Explore a Location) the bar charts give a good idea of how common and many sites use eBird info for there own location.



Around this time of year a common loon, red-billed grebe, American black, blue-winged teal, mallard & wood ducks. Thayer's gull, black tern, black-crowned night heron, sora, killdeer, common snipe & sandpipers. Grouse, bobwhite, red-tailed, cooper's & sharp-shinned hawks. Many woodpeckers, many owls, mourning dove, many fly-catchers, Martins 7 swallows, horned lark, blue jay, nuthatch, brown creeper, house wren, eastern bluebird, vireos, many warblers, American redstart, ovenbird, blackbirds, orioles, Northern Cardinal, American goldfinch. & many sparrows. Enjoy!

Yep....ebird is the place to go. Have a great trip!!!!

So we are going on a trip to Wisconsin and Michigan, and we'll be doing some birding at some national parks and such. I want to be at least familiar with the typical birds seen in those places so I know what's unusual and what isn't. What sort of birds are very common in those areas?