Around this time of year a common loon, red-billed grebe, American black, blue-winged teal, mallard & wood ducks. Thayer's gull, black tern, black-crowned night heron, sora, killdeer, common snipe & sandpipers. Grouse, bobwhite, red-tailed, cooper's & sharp-shinned hawks. Many woodpeckers, many owls, mourning dove, many fly-catchers, Martins 7 swallows, horned lark, blue jay, nuthatch, brown creeper, house wren, eastern bluebird, vireos, many warblers, American redstart, ovenbird, blackbirds, orioles, Northern Cardinal, American goldfinch. & many sparrows. Enjoy!
Yep....ebird is the place to go. Have a great trip!!!!
So we are going on a trip to Wisconsin and Michigan, and we'll be doing some birding at some national parks and such. I want to be at least familiar with the typical birds seen in those places so I know what's unusual and what isn't. What sort of birds are very common in those areas?