Branches of Zoology
1. Entomology= Study of insects.
2. Ichthyology= Study of fishes
3. Helminthology= Study of helminthes worms.
4. Mammalogy= Study of mammals.
5. Orinthology= Study of birds.
6. Parasitology= Study of parasitic worms.
7. Virology= Study of virus.
8. Herpetology=Study of reptiles.
9. Anthropology= Study of human evolution and culture.
10. Cindology= Study of coelenterates.
11. Euthenics= Study of improvement of human race through laws of heredity.
12. Karyology= Study of nucleus.
13. Malacology= Study of molluscs.
14. Microbiology= Study of micro organisms.
15. Protozoology=Study of unicellular organisms.
Exact list, no. It does not exist. Zoology may be divided up by discipline (physiology, genetics, ecology . . . .) or taxonomically (mammalogy, ornithology, herpetology . . . . ). Or you can combine the two.
Branches of Zoology
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I searched about it but each sites gave me different answers and this made me uncertain. So, can anyone give me the exact list of the branches of Zoology?