> What are some interesting facts about trilobites?

What are some interesting facts about trilobites?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Just google trilobites. :) They eventually declined in ecological importance in the paleozoic and died out completely at its end--the end Permian crisis. Raup and sepkowski, who generally attributed extinction to bad luck instead of bad genes, say trilobites were an exception. They were losing ground long before the end permian disaster, while other sea creatures were rising. On the subject of turtles mention Archelon the giant Campanian sea turtle.

www.trilobites.info/trilobite.htm will get you started. Things about turtles-- towns have to turn off lights at night or the hatching babies will be drawn to them and walk onto the highways. They sometimes put people on the beaches to make sure the babies make it to the water. Look up box turtles they're really neat. Dazzle her with your knowledge of snapping turtles. I once had one that was as long as a yardstick!! Have a great date !!

My gf and i are going to see fireworks tonight and i need something to talk with her about, she loves trilobites (also turtles idk). What are some interesting things i could learn about them in an hour or so? Any help is appreciated.