> What age do Zebra Finch babies open their eyes?

What age do Zebra Finch babies open their eyes?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Hand feeding is extremley rare, and unike most believe the finches will stop being tame after 2-3 months when they become adults.

To answer your question, 5-7 days is when their eyes open.

If you want to hand-feed a bird, get a cockatiel as their chicks are much larger and easier to feed and become much tamer.

I have a mating pair of Zebra Finches that laid eggs again. When do the babies eyes open? I will hand feed them and need to know when the eyes open so i can take them out the nest. (Please, no info on hand feeding) Also Once the babies are in a new cage for hand feeding do I need a heat lamp for them? Please tell me the age the babies open their eyes. (10 points)