> Weird spider with alot of legs... Does anyone know what it is?

Weird spider with alot of legs... Does anyone know what it is?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I took a picture so someone could identify it, its kinda blurry, but could anyone tell me if these are dangerous or i should be worried? Thanks.

As others have stated, this isn't a spider at all but a centipede. Spiders always have 8 legs, unless one has been pulled off. Specifically, this is a House Centipede (Species Scutigera coleoptrata). They can bite but will always flee first, and their bites are not medically significant. These guys are natural pest control, too. They love to eat roaches, beetles, and spiders.

Thanks for the answers guys. Glad its not dangerous or anything.

House centipede. Absolutely disgusting, but not considered harmful to humans. Supposedly they bite, but they're not at all aggressive--- they're afraid of people, and will just run away if you jab at them with a paper. They eat spiders and things, and they're sold in Japanese pet stores apparently, if it makes you feel any better, so no need to be worried for your safety at all. It doesn't make me feel any better, given how disgusting and terrifying they look, but there you have it!

It is a type of centipede. Just hit it with a shoe.

It's a house centipede. It's possible but difficult for them to bite humans, and they are no more dangerous or painful than a bee sting. Like spiders, they hunt household pests.

Spiders only have 8 legs.

I took a picture so someone could identify it, its kinda blurry, but could anyone tell me if these are dangerous or i should be worried? Thanks.