> Weaning hand-fed doves?

Weaning hand-fed doves?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I weaned a mourning dove on Katy's Exact mixed with canary seed after he was old enough to start testing his wings a bit, maybe two weeks or so longer for your babies. I just mixed the seed with the formula and put it on a dish, encouraging him to eat on it by nudging it with my finger. As time went on, I mixed more seed and less formula, and eventually he just flew out the door one day, haha. It might be a bit unconventional, and some other people may have a different way of going about it, but two years later, Beeper is still around our home. Good luck with your babies!

My dog brought me the wonderful "gift" of a baby mourning dove a couple of days ago and about an hour later we found another baby along with a fallen nest. Since the local wildlife rescue doesn't take doves or pigeons, I looked up how to care for them and thought it sounded easy enough.

I'm not sure how old these two are but they are almost fully feathered. The one my dog brought to me has a few tail feathers missing but is otherwise fine, the other seems to have something weird going on with his beak but can eat just fine.

They are in a relatively large bird cage with perches that they haven't started using yet (they will perch on my fingers, though) and I've put a shallow dish of seed in their cage that neither touch and sprinkled seed around the bottom of the cage.

They are both eating 6+ ccs of formula every 4-6 hours but I am wondering if there is anything else I need to be doing to wean them, and when I should expect them to start eating on their own.