Hopefully it's old enough to eat. Try just some bird seed.
They are a pest.
Wring it's neck. (casseroling squab is optional)
So pigeons nested in my lower loft, the babies hatched and all was well till they got old enough to wander about, a few days ago one fell down the slope above my stairs, i didnt want to disturb them so i left them to it but i could still hear it through the night so ive gone up this morning only to find both chicks trapped down there, one was dead with its leg hanging off, i can only imagine it has broken it when it fell :( the other one ive have brought down and put in a box with the aim of calling a pigeon friendly rescue but they are full! Really panicking about this now as i have no clue how to care for a baby pigeon! Could anyone please point me in the right direction regarding rescue in the north east area of england? Or advise me on what to feed it? How often etc? Its quite an old chick i think, it has a short tail but only a tiny amount of yellow fluff on its head, any help would be amazing thanks