> Unknown creature in the sea?! Pic provided!?

Unknown creature in the sea?! Pic provided!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It looks like the remains of a rotting, bloated, chewed up cuttlefish(most likely) or a rotting squid like another said. The cuttlefish is most likely due to the size, shape, and even the ink hole(yes, cuttlefish can spray ink too! :3). Often resemble a slimy blob of yuck when they die and wash up, or are found dead in the water before something bigger snatches them up.

Cuttlefish photo: http://news.scubafish.com/files/2013/12/...

Dead cuttlefishies. =( https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_i...

Based on the way it looks and what you have said, it is probably the remains of a squid. The tentacles are gone and what remains id the body. You have to remember that many things have probably nibbled on it before it got to shore. The purple liquid in the bag is a major piece of evidence as to my knowledge only octopi and squid produce " ink " as a method of self defense ( escape ).

Maybe some kind of cowry.



REALLY weird creature we found in the sea. It looks like it has tiny front legs or tentacles. It was dead when we saw it floating on the water, but we have no clue as to what it is.

The area it was found in was in a beach in Cyprus (Limassol) - I don't know if that would help.

I didn't touch it, but rolled it with my hat onto the beach and then put it in a bag... a while after there was a lot of black/purple liquid in the bag. It absolutely stank (like a fishy smell) so then I put it back onto the sand (again-not touching it). Soon enough, a load of flies started to hover over it so it was evidently dead.

It has just really stumped us as to what it could be!

Anybody know?!