> URGENT! I think my budgie is very sick?

URGENT! I think my budgie is very sick?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
place him in a small cage with a towel on the bottom so he doesn't have to worry about perching and call another vet immediately. maybe give him a favourite treat and toy to comfort him and make sure he has water available. if the vet can't tell you what to do over the phone find an avian friendly emergency vet. I hope your budgie gets to feeling better!

My budgie is approximately around 1 year old, he is quite tame and has a loving family however he has been acting very strange lately.

He has unusually bad breath, hes sleeping a lot, puffing his feathers up, and looks very sick in general. He keeps swallowing funny, as if he is regurgitating, however he looks as if he is in a lot of pain when he does this. He hasn't been eating or drinking much and he has quite runny poos.

I'm trying to ring our local vet but they're just not picking up.

Any ideas what this could be or how I could make him feel more comfortable? I'm really upset :(