> URGENT Will these fledglings live?

URGENT Will these fledglings live?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Many young birds leave the nest early, even before they can fly and the parents still take care of them and feed them. It's actually a little safer for them that way. No they don't all survive and nothing you can do will make that different. Best to leave them alone.

Well done for trying to rescue the birds. The parents will continue to feed the youngsters until they are ready to go it alone. Yes, as harsh as it sounds some of them may fall prey to foxes or die from cold but this is the laws of nature. I am sure though that with you keeping an eye on them most of them will survive. I hope so.

If it's full feathered, then it's time for them to live their own lives without their parents. They are trying to fly and as long as their parents are their and supporting (Usually they are far away to keep away predators) they are safe.

Ok, we have this big bush surrounded by other shrubs and bushes and a nest dunnocks living there.

We have been peeking into the nest all the way through their development. Today however a magpie flew into the bush and startled the five babies who all proceeded to leap out of the nest into the shrubbery below. One even landed in the pond which I quickly saved.

We recovered them and tried to put them into the nest again as quickly as we could but they refused to stay and continued to jump out.

They have feathers, and I think that's what a fledgling is? They were able to flap a little when they leaped

We left them so the parents could find them and we are watching them bringing food into the bushes below.

Will these babies survive? I'm scared a fox will get them, or the cold.

Please help.