challenging task research into the search engines that can help
I've had my cockatiel for about 3-4 years. She had her wings clipped when I first bought her but after that we never clipped them so she could fly when she wanted. There has been times where we've mistakenly left the balcony door or front door wide open but she hasn't once tried to fly outside. We recently moved to a new house and haven't had any windows, doors, etc. open for her to be able to escape from. The other day we couldn't find her anywhere and we yelled for her, whistled, played bird whistling for her to hear throughout the house ( because she's very loud and whistles at almost anything. ) but she didn't make a sound. After a few minutes of looking we finally found her sitting in the laundry room asleep. Yesterday, we woke up and she was fine as usual but I went to work at 4am and at around 5:30 my son came over with his cat and it jumped on her but she wasn't bleeding or anything so they figured she was okay because he stopped the cat almost immediately. ( I didn't find out until today ) Then that night we couldn't find her anywhere. We went through the same process of looking for her but then figured she was doing the same thing and she'd wake up later and come out. Well, this morning I woke up and after looking everywhere she's no where to be found. Even though it wasn't the best idea because it could have scared her, we even rang the door bell to see if she would whistle, but still nothing. I have no clue where she could be and I'm panicking. Please help!!!!!!!!