> Two Quaker Parrots Fighting?

Two Quaker Parrots Fighting?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Spring = hormonal season. The female is in breeding condition and very hormonal right now. She is either aggravated by the male or wants the male to interact with her, which he obviously does not want to do. Either way, they aren't getting along and need to be separated.

Even if she's never been hormonal before, that doesn't mean she isn't hormonal now. Birds have feelings that change like ours. And there's no time like the present ;)

Good Luck! :)

Just in the past two days of so my two Quaker parrots have descended into sudden spurts of vicious fighting, to the point where we've had to quarantine one of them today.

For background, we have a male who has lived with us for 13 years and a newer female who has lived with us for about 2.5 years. The female is decidedly more defensive and bites quite a bit. The male used to talk all the time, but since she moved in he rarely does. It seems like the female is definitely instigating the violence, and he had a dis formed foot that makes him stand out quite a bit.

Is there something that could be causing the sudden tension?