> Turkey eggs incubation help?

Turkey eggs incubation help?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Is she still laying? It takes longer than 2 weeks to lay a clutch. She will not sit till she lays a clutch (all the eggs she will lay). Try not to disturb her so much that she abandons the nest. If she has abandoned the eggs will need 99.5F to hatch.

Turkeys will not fertilize their own eggs. So, the eggs that you have (if you have not artificially inseminated your hen) are infertile! Make an omelet!

My turkey layed 12 eggs in ma farm about 2 weaks ago

But the mother turkey is not sitting on d eggs

Can I incubation the eggs now

Will the eggs be alive

Can any 1 tel me at Wat temperature the eggs to be in ??

Plz help

Sorry for bad English