My father is an expert with conures. We had a green cheek conure who we would let outside of my house to fly around & he would return to my father shoulder, he also spoke. Sadly he died August-27-2014. We also have recently bought 3 new birds. 1 green cheek conure, 1 sun conure, & 1 cockatiel.
The best way to comfort him is to first let him get familiar with his new home. You should introduce him to other pets you have so he doesnt feel lonely.
Next you can open his enclosure door & just speak to him in a smooth, soft voice and attempt to give him gentle pats on his back.
You can also try to give him a treat like sun flower seeds so he isnt frightened.
Soon put your arm, hand, or finger & wait for him to set-up. When he does what you want, congraulate him & pat him gently. Praise him.
They can also talk btw, repeating phrases & words daily will help him remember & try to speak.
Try to play with him & let him out of his house daily for atleast 2 hours.
Best of luck!
Hi I recently received a 1 year old jenday conure though craigslist. The person I got him from said he had him for about 6 months so I'm sure they have bonded a lot since then. In bringing him home he would not let me anywhere near his cage. He tries to bite or moves away from my hand if I get too close. How can I get him to trust me and to step up on my finger without being afraid?