> Theres a bee in my house?

Theres a bee in my house?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Im worried what should i do

Burn down your house it's infested. Bees will not stop bothering you once they know the way in. Of course, the alternative to all that malarky is open the window to the room it's in, close the door behind you and leave it to it's own devises for an hour. Then see if it's still there, if you can gently 'help' it towards the open window. It's unlikely to harm you, just be gentle and it'll be only too happy to leave if you show it the way.

I believe the customary procedure, if you can't get it to go out a door or window, is to put a glass or jar over it so it cannot escape, slip a card under the jar and hold it in place to keep the bee in, carry it out the door, and release it.

Im worried what should i do