> There's this duck its stuck at the same place. what do i do?

There's this duck its stuck at the same place. what do i do?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
yea call a local vet and see if they have a phone number of someone who can help if you cant find anyone

4-5 days ago i went to my uni and there was this duck standing on one foot. it didn't move at all while i was there... and i was there for 3-4 hours

2 days ago i was driving past the same place at 2am and the duck was still there, but this time it was moving around (like taking a couple of steps and then freezing at different spots)

yesterday i went in the morning around 9am and the duck was still there, but moved a couple of inches away from its original place.

Today i went there again at 1am and the duck was still there, back at its original place.

I think there's something wrong with the duck. is there anything i could do to help it? what if i call the animal welfare?