> There's a racing pigeon in my house...?

There's a racing pigeon in my house...?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
1. you should call some animal places like your local shelter or animal control, so they can catch the pigeon and call it's owner.

2.The pigeon might have a bird disease and you should DEFINITELY NOT catch it by yourself.

3. If you want, you can also take a picture of the pigeon and post it somewhere like Instagram or Facebook and ask if anybody is missing a pigeon. You should also provide some details with the pictureS

4. Good Luck!

It may or may not be a racing pigeon. Many birds are banded for scientific research. If you can catch it and get the number you can report it and they can tell you where, when it was first caught.

at first i thought it was wild, but i looked closer and it has a green tag on it's leg. it's a racing pigeon, but what am i supposed to do? i gave it some water and rice, but it's not going near me so i can't look at his/her tag so i can't report to the owner. tips?