> There's a bird in my sister's room HELP?

There's a bird in my sister's room HELP?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Once it happened at school. A bird had enter the class room and we had open all windows so it could go away. It took a while but finally it was gone. Open all the windows and close the door so it will not end up flying around the house. Good luck.

Turn out all of the lights in the room, but open the window. Close the door too. Take some strong light outside near the window but do not let the bird see you. If you do not have a strong flash light, put a lamp on an extension cord and taker it outside of the window. Birds fly toward the light.

= In the day time darken all of the windows except for the one you have opened. He will fly out PDQ.

You're afraid of a bird? The poor thing is terrified. Can't one of you open a window and turn on a light so it can find its way out?

If you can go in there, you should be able to toss a cloth over it. It should be quiet when it is covered. The best way to pick it up is with one hand across its back, gently keeping the wings closed. You should be able to get it outside. Don't freak out, birds are lovely creatures.

Try to find a net or towel and then throw it over it and then take it and open a window and put it outside

We already called animal control and the police but no one could help us. We dont want to go and get it out we kept it in for 2 hours there's no open windows and the door is shut. Its just me my sister and our other girl roommates so what do we do cause were really scared. And her phone is in there