> There is a nest of birds in my shed what shoud i do about it?

There is a nest of birds in my shed what shoud i do about it?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
here are 3 baby birds trying to learn how to fly and i have a lot of dangers things in there

Is the mother able to get to them? If you move the nest, the mother might not be able to find them. If it is possible take all dangerous things out of the shed or move them to another part of the shed, until they leave the nest. Once they do leave the nest, destroy the nest so the bird does't have any more eggs there and it happens again.

If you bug the nest then the mother will abandon her chicks. Even when they are fledging and are out of the nest, the mother still brings them food for several months. If you touch them, she will abandon them. Leave them alone.

I would leave it alone if I were you. Nothing to worry about, the mother will take care of her young, and if not, natural selection.

Leave them/it be :)

there are 3 baby birds trying to learn how to fly and i have a lot of dangers things in there