> The earliest known rhinos appeared during which period of history?

The earliest known rhinos appeared during which period of history?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Uhh. Runescape? Options are 1)Middle Ages 2)Eocene Epoch 3)Second Age 4)Palezoic Era

I think its the Palezoic Era, but I'm not for sure. :) Thanks guys

Looks like Yahoo Answers helps Runescape again.

It was indeed, Eocene Epoch.

We get to enjoy those Black Rhino familiars soon :D

I came here looking for an answer for the same reason haha

Eocene Epoch

, first appeared in the Late Eocene in Eurasia

RS player (dad of xena)

Try the link below.

Thank you for the ten points.

Uhh. Runescape? Options are 1)Middle Ages 2)Eocene Epoch 3)Second Age 4)Palezoic Era

I think its the Palezoic Era, but I'm not for sure. :) Thanks guys