> Taxidermy Owl Possion & Selling?

Taxidermy Owl Possion & Selling?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It would be better to donate it to your nearest Audubon Society or a local school. Owl pellets are often used today for class exercises in the lower divisions, and I'm sure those schools would love to get the specimen, and it would maximize its use.

you have to have a permit because of the migratory bird act of 1918 it is illegal to posses any bird parts living/dead on the list of about 800 species of birds. and I think barn owls are on the list. Fish and wildlife will be the one to go to in order to get a permit.

My mother recently had a Barn owl that was already stuffed and put in a nice case ect from a local library that flooded during a recent storm given to her. I am wondering if it is legal to have it? And is it legal to sell it? We have friends that are interested in adding it to there collection.

Any info would be helpful on the subject, Thanks.

(Also we are in South Dakota if that makes any difference)