> Strange spider found in outside bin?

Strange spider found in outside bin?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Sure sounds like a false widow, which are quite harmless, but before you go playing with them, just be sure they don't have that nefarious red hourglass pattern on the bottom of the abdomen.

Because all true spiders have two body segments, they can all look to have an hourglass shape, but that means nothing.

False widows are actually boring to handle because they just play dead or web off your hands.

Here is my pet widow,'Wanda':

I couldn't get a picture because it hid before I did but I opened my bin lid to find what looked exactly like a false widow. After another look while it hid I realised it had no patten on it's back so it of course it wasn't one. I'm still wondering what it was though, as I've never seen one like it in my garden or house before. It was a very similar shape to the false widow, with an hourglass body and bulbous abdomen. It's legs were black but it's abdomen was a dark brown, maybe a very dark read. I was maybe an inch big. Anyone any clue?