> Spraddle leg chick, Cochin?

Spraddle leg chick, Cochin?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Correcting Spraddle or Splay Leg in Baby Birds


I think I spelt that right...in any event, has anyone experienced a baby chick with this. Its when the chick is born with both legs spread out flat to the sides and cannot walk...I started the treatment about 3 days old. I have used white yarn, but I found it acted like rope and irritated her leg dispite the feathers ( Cochin are feather legged chickens) Then I went to the fabric elastic band with tape in the middle..but it appeared to be irritating as well..Now I have gone to the bandaid method...putting tape on the inner sticky part so none of it touched her fathers ...she seems to be walking farily well..but with a slight bowing,...its been a week or better and the treatment seems to be a slow process. How long does it take to get them to the point of walking without a brace...and is it natural for the chick to peep alot..is she in pain.........am I just prolonging her agony by doing this...or is this just natural reaction to being roped up a bit for such a young chick...?

I raise cochins,...but have little knolwdge on this condition...