I think your fear simply has you paranoid. no spider is going to bite you unless you trap or smack it against the skin. Recluse spiders are just that, 'reclusive' and very seldom seen.
typically, a spider is going to run from you trying to get a close look at it anyway.
Tiny spiders are for the most part totally harmless, and 'IF' you live where recluse spiders are even found, and 'IF' you have them in your house, millions of other people live with them without incident.
You may have had a hatching of common spiders or these could even be mites if you have potted plants about.
A vacuum does wonders with picking up spiderlings, and even if you leave them, they will leave on their own, or kill each other to survive. In a couple days, you won't likely find a one of them.
A bigger problem you have is your unneeded fear of spiders. perhaps if you deal with that, coping with spiders would be moot. Perhaps read this:
Arachnophobic. Brown recluses are, well, ...reclusive. You won't find them in a mob. They are alone in a dark, dry, space, like an attic.
Spray them. Raid has spider spray. or call an exterminator.
Ok, there are little tiny spiders in my house! I am arichniphobic (afraid of spiders) I also think the worst of things possible. I am afraid that the spiders are brown recluses, but don't wanna look close for fear of being bitten. What should I do?