> Somebody identify this spider please?

Somebody identify this spider please?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Outside my house. Web looks normal. Only comes out at night. I swear it's a brown widow but I'm obviously no expert. I live in PA.

This is a very harmless orb weaver, and likely a furrow spider (Larinioides genus)

They do come out at dusk, and make those fancy webs, often consuming them before hiding out for the day.

Your little friend looks gravid, and may hide her eggs soon, and may not live very long after that.

Orb weavers are very beneficial spiders, so if this gal is out of the way, you might just let her live out the season.

Any eggs will hatch early next spring, so you may have another about next season.

This is a little like your spider:

Outside my house. Web looks normal. Only comes out at night. I swear it's a brown widow but I'm obviously no expert. I live in PA.