> Shy Lovebird?

Shy Lovebird?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Just keep handling him and being gentle. He's probably slightly traumatized from whatever happened to him before you got him. Also, lovebirds really do love mates. It wouldn't hurt to keep your eye out for a mate. I once had 2 male lovebirds, so it can really be any gender.

My bf and I just got a love bird that his dad had found off the side of a busy street. We got him checked out and he's healthy and fine. They said he had starved for almost a week. Any who, we got him home and he's veryveryvery shy. He does not like leaving his cage, he does not like to be held. When he actually does come out of his cage he kinda goes and does his own thing. So I guess my question is, how can I get him more comfortable around people?