> Should I have a lone parakeet/finch, or multiple, if I want to minimize noise?

Should I have a lone parakeet/finch, or multiple, if I want to minimize noise?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Im not an expert on birds, but i have a male parakeet who never screeched and seemed content with all of his toys ans being brought out of his cage every now and then but once i got his another parakeet (female) they would both start screeching really loud and now he seems to be afraid of me. I would recommend only getting one parakeet but just make sure he has plenty to do and keep him entertained otherwise they can get really lonley

See for minimum noise you can try finch + parakeet but it will work for some days only.they will start fighting because they are of different kinds. You can try for finch+ finch because they are smaller than parakeets. You can try for a single finch also it is the minimum noise but you have to take a lot of care of it

A pair of finches will be happy together, and won't make much noise.

So I have a big old bird cage that I found at my parent's house, and I decided to purchase a few birds!

Now I'm thinking of purchasing 2 whether it's a finch + parakeet, or a parakeet + parakeet, or a finch + finch pair.

Can bird experts give me advice on which combination of these birds will minimize sound??

Because I live in an apartment, and I don't want them screeching all day.