> Should I get parakeets, or finches?

Should I get parakeets, or finches?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Finches are not easily tamed and cannot really be handled much. I suggest getting 2 parakeets. Their cage should be a minimum of 24 by 24 by 24. They can be tamed in time and some can even learn to talk! I feed mine small bird seed with some pellets mixed in. They get 1 piece of spray millet 2 times a week. Change their food, water, and cage daily. I have 3 dishes, one for food, one for water, and one for fresh food such as scrambled and hard boiled eggs, cucumber, carrot, and other fruits and veggies! Do NOT use bird water bottles! Be sure to never give your bird chocolate, avacodo, coffee, or alcohal, and for these are very toxic to birds! Provide lots of toys and perches so that your birds does not get bored, but make sure not to overcrowd your birds to much! I hope that this has helped you!



Finches are easier to maintain than parakeets ..

My parents aren't the most supporting about this, but I love both. Maybe they'll be more supportive if they'll bond with them too………????? I don't know. Which one should I get?