> Science project on Animal Emotions?

Science project on Animal Emotions?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
First, research anthropomorphism, and make very sure that this "science" project doesn't fall into that trap.

Second, how much statistics do you have? What are you going to quantify? Do you know what a double blind experiment is because that is what you are going to have to do with your experimental design.

Do you have the ability to measure heart rate, blood pressure, ekg rate? If not, try a different project.

How big a sample size are you going to have? I suggest at least 20 individual animals, all of the same age and species. Do you have the ability to house them? Did you clear your project on working with vertebrates with your teacher (assuming you are working on vertebrates) as most areas prohibit the use of them for undergraduate science projects.

There are two sayings I tell my students. First, now that you tell me what you want, what can you afford? Frankly, you want too much and will come up with no rigorous results.... you can only afford much, much less.

The second is to measure twice, cut once. You have of course researched the literature? Gone to a University Library and found the most recent research in the field of neurology,psychology, animal behavior (ethology) and comparative anatomy? What grad level is this? Having pictures of animal brains would have nothing to do with your project, would it?

I'm doing a science project on animal emotions, basically just trying to show that they do have feelings, not just happy, sad, etc, but like fear, anger, shame, etc. The slightly deeper stuff. If anybody knows any websites or books that I could use, it would really help. Thanks.