> Release a Grass Spider?

Release a Grass Spider?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Well, no spider will seek out humans, and no, they don't bother sleeping humans.

Grass spiders are about as harmless as spiders come, and indoors may have been a domestic house spider. They are funnel weavers as well.

Sounds like you have anxieties with spiders,and your little friend could help you get over your fears and learn about spiders. Your spider may be male which doesn't live long anyway. While you have it trapped, you might consider keeping it for a pet. keeping pet spiders is easy.

You might read this:


Here is a grass spider that lived on my desk lamp:

Yes, it's a beneficial creature that eats lots of bugs. Do the compassionate thing and set it free somewhere. It won't find you again.

So I found this spider in my bathroom, and I've kept it under a plastic cup on a plate. This is what it looks like:


It looks very scary, (I'm obviously not a spider person) and I don't know whether to release it or kill it (I'd be too scared to kill it anyways). I'm just paranoid it'll come back for me in my sleep, and I don't want it in the house. Would I just release it far away somewhere??