Do you think its better to keep the mother in with them? I out her back in her other tank but was not sure whats best for the eggs, thanks :) ps I was going to send you a message but its not allowed.
My red eared slider laid eggs in a nesting tank I made for her, I have never cared for eggs before but had sliders for about 5-6 years. Can I put her back in the tank with the other ones or should she stay in the nesting tank, I have a small water pool in the nesting tank ? Also, I want to leave the eggs where they are to hatch naturally, I have their tanks in my back yard, it can reach upto 110 right now in the summer is that too hot for the eggs or should I bring the nest tank inside when it gets that hot? I want them to hatch as naturally as possible but want to take care of them as best as I can.
Thanks :)