I have two lorikeets and they mate and have had their first egg but disregarded it completely.
I always said if they had an egg together I wouldn't interfere but my hubby feels it would be best to try and incubate the egg, so we could raise the young bubba. I have no objections but my only concern is, how do you incubate a lorikeet egg? Can we buy an incubator? I only found chick incubators are they the same? How long will it take to hatch?
We're pretty confident in raising the young lorikeets as we got our own fairly young as well and they needed constant care and attention, we're aware of what we have to do when it hatches, it's just getting it there.
I understand people may be against us trying to do this but please keep in mind we love our lorikeets and we may not have the experience of a great breeder but we will try our best to raise it, like we have done to our other two beautiful rainbow lorikeets.