My cockatiels won't let me doing anything while they are in their cage, once they are out of the safety of their cage I can pet them, but only when they are in the correct mood. My male will dip his head meaning I can pet him.
You just have to learn your bids behavior, I bribe my bird with cheerios to do what I desire them to. Food treats will help.
So, I have a male Cockatiel that I got about 3-4 months ago. Progress has been made with him getting use to me. When I stand by the cage he gets right up to the cage sometimes. He'll eat out of his food bowl when I'm holding it, but he won't eat directly out of my hand just yet. He won't let me touch him. He will eat and drink when my hand is right by him. Today I put my hand over his food bowl and he went up to my hand and started to eat the food right between my fingers. My question is how to I get him to let me touch and hold him? Any help/tips are appreciated!