When a bird is molting, she feels itchy and irritable, so try not to handle her unless she invites it. If you purchased her four months ago, she is probably older and entering maturity since her color is changing. Her personality could be changing too. Continue to be a bit assertive, or she will want to control you and become a b-t-hy bird.
So, I have a 4 Month Old Port Lincoln Parrot.
When I first got her she was so friendly, I used to leave her out of her cage for hours and she used tto come up on my shoulders and lightly nibble on my finger tip, or she'll just stand on my finger.
So since the begining of summer I noticed she was changing her feathers, I even noticed that she gave me a hard time to catch her to place her back in her cage ( Note: I'm pregnant so chasing a parrot around the house isn't something helpfull in my pregnancy), my partner he eventually got a dog and I actually stayed the same with my parrot I still talk to her daily, give her treats but she became more and more aggressive now when I place my finger tip in her cage she immediatly goes an bites it hard and screeches. Is it cause of the dog or is it cause of her changing the feathers? and if it is cause of the feather changing will I have my little Kiora back the way she was?? I hate to see her locked up in her cage, yet she seems to be happy cause she chirps, dances and even jumps around the cage she shows no sign of depression, but she does show a lot of signs of Anxiety like when I leave the room she starts to CHIRP loudly, why is she being aggressive yet wants me to be near her all the time?