> Poorly hen! is anybody a chicken keeper.?

Poorly hen! is anybody a chicken keeper.?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
This bird is very ill she haveing brown watery fluids from her beak that's not a good sign dear, As far as I can tell this sounds like sour crop its where the food sits in the crop and ferments Other words does not digest for the bird.I would suggest you looking up info for this with the Back yard chickens, or on the net . Ive never had this in my flocks but have read books for it . Hope she gets well

Thank you she passed away yesterday morning. X

I have a warren chicken. Not sure on the age has a friend gave me her about 6 month ago! 2 days ago she was running around eating a egg. I noticed this 2s. Then that night she seemed to go down hill. I went up the garden to check on her and couldnt see her she was lay behind the shed cold. I picked her up and stood her up and she floped back down. So i put her in a box and put her in my greenhouse made her warm. And she warmed up. Today ive been to give her water by syringe. And has a picked her up she was what looked like to me sick. (Brown watery) stuff out her beak. She seemed abit lively then. Is there anything else i can do for her. Shes warm getting love and drinks but she still floppy on her legs? Thanks in advance. And no sarcastic comments SHE is my pet.