> Plz help.my little ducklings are sick...?

Plz help.my little ducklings are sick...?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Here are some things that may help:

1) Buy a heat lamp immediately and set it up on one side of the cage and put the towel under it so they can snuggle up on it.

2) make sure the cage is big enough so that the lamp does not heat the whole thing and they have a cooler area to go to.

3) Make sure your ducklings CANNOT swim in their water dish. This may seem strange considering that they are water fowl but in the wild the mother duck would be there to make sure the babies don't stay in too long. Ducklings that stay in water too long become chilled and are susceptible to respiratory infections. Make sure they can drink the water but can't play in it. to do this you could put water in a bowl then float a slightly smaller bowl in it so there is a ring of water they can drink from.

4) Change food often so that mold does not grow on it and make them sick. Change water often as well.

5) make sure the cage has good ventilation but is not drafty.

6)Consider putting them on a broad spectrum poultry antibiotic. If they have in infection it will help them, if they do not it won't hurt them so long as it is administered correctly.

7) Go back to the store and tell them about the problem, odds are they have seen this before and may have some advice that can help.

Without giving you a lecture on not acquiring animals before knowing the in's and out's of them...

I would join a forum such as backyard poultry. Just google 'poultry forum' join and then post in the waterfowl/duck section. If not if you are on facebook go onto groups and search for a pet duck group, or poultry group. Lots of experienced people will be willing to help you and give you advice.

I have no idea why a pet store would be selling young ducklings in small quantities without given advice to people, totally irresponsible of them.

I would find an avian vet and give them a ring, at that age its touch and go as soon as they start displaying signs of illness.

Are you keeping them indoors or outdoors?

It would help to know there exact age, they could be suffering from over heating or under heating buts its hard to know without looking. Do they have diarrhea? are they eating/drinking? Are they still fluffy or do they have feathers coming through? how large are they? What food are they on?

If it were me I would provide an area that offered heat and somewhere cool, let them decide.

What kind of sounds are they making? could it be that they are calling for their mother? Duckings will make some noise.

First of all you should put a heat lamp on one side of the cage and food and water in the other (never put water dish under the heat lamp) give them room to leave the heat if they get to hot make sure they have plenty of food and water and just keep an eye on them to make sure they don't get worse. Good luck with your them!!!

I have to say that I feed them a lot is that a problem?

1.you missed spelled ducks.its ducks not sucks.

2.take them to a vet

3.how much do you feed them?

4.they are sick.

Take then to a Vet! and see whats wrong! xx

From a while i bought two little ducks from the pet shop they were healthy and powerfull but lately i noticed them making sounds at night.I thouhgt they are cold so I placed them in a warm place and provide them with a soft towel to stay warm but they are still making sounds and they sit down a lot and they keep on shaking their heads and now I noticed that the male is very sick and he keep on sitting down and very weak but the female is a little bit better than him.what should I do.I don't want them to die.plz help me.

I have to say that its my first time I raise ducks

And also these little sucks live in a little cage alone I don't have any mature duck

What should I do??