> Please someone help me with animal physiotherapy/a vet surgeon?

Please someone help me with animal physiotherapy/a vet surgeon?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Your poor English language skills will hold you back, and your B's with a C in math will get you into a community college. You need to either work harder or change your career goals.

I'm pretty young but finish school in 2 years. I want to work with animals, sadly being a volunteer won't pay the bills. That's why I want to by a physiotherapist for animals (more likely) or a vet (unlikely). But I don't know what I'm going to do. I still have a couple of years before I take my proper GCSE's, I'm predicted now to pretty much get B's across the board with a C for Maths. I just want to know like college/university may have to get into, how much courses will cost me to take etc, it'd be nice if a vet/physiotherapist would give me the advice or a general brainbox, I also read you need to know human physiotherapy before animal physiotherapy? I'm unsure but any help would be appreicated, thanks.