I have a female budgie who turned 8 a couple months ago. In September 2012 I took her to the vet because of a respiratory problem. The vet informed me that she also had a bump inside of her that looked like it may be an egg. And that she could be egg bound. My choices were to have her operated on, put her down or just let her live with it. At the time I decided to see how she would be if I didn't get her operated on. We'll now here we are almost 2 years later and she is still alive and before a couple days ago she was perfectly healthy and happily annoying in her budgie ways.
Now here comes the sad urgent part. The past 2 days she has taken a turn for the worst. She has pulled out all her feathers from her bottom area. It's just skin now. She is holding her wings down and does not want to come out of we cage. The lump has not changed at all and after doing more research I came across that it could be a fluid build up because the lump is soft and squishy not hard. I need to do something for her. I cannot afford surgery. And I cannot put my dear friend down. If anyone has anything they can think of that would help her please tell me. I can't lose her I love her too much. But I also love her too much to see her suffering. Her droppings are still normal and not watery. She's still eating and drinking but I just can't stand to see her Pulling her feathers out and not wanting to interact with me. Thank you!