> Please help!! My Indian Ringneck may be sick??

Please help!! My Indian Ringneck may be sick??

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Thank you for your comment. It turns out that her poop was just her diet. It wasn't blood. Just the coloring and the scabs are from where she was picked on by the other birds. I took her to vet and got complete work up of literally everything. Thank God she's ok! I love her so much!!

Im sorry to tell you but your bird might be sick, please take her to a vet as soon as you can.

Her red droppings can be from bleeding in her digestive tract, poisoning, tumors, or infections. :(

I suggest you switch her diet and give her something new.

Also this has happened to my green cheek conure who sadly died August-27-2014. But he got his feathers cleaned and completely normal after i put some sort of bowl filled with water in his cage that was big enough so he could fit inside it. He went and took a bath in and after a week i noticed his feathers changed and became nice again. The scabs you mentioned is from either himself or other birds plucking his feathers. He should be normal after 1-2 weeks with fresh food and water to drink. Make sure no bugs go near your bird cause bugs cause birds to get diseases. Good luck!

We recently bought a female Indian Ringneck two weeks ago. She is now 4 1/2 years old, but when we got her we noticed that her feathers looked a little rough on her flight feathers. She also has a couple scabs on her flight feathers. They told us that it was from the Sun Conures and other birds picking at her and that she was in a molt. Underneath her flight feathers it looks really strange but I don't know if that is just her skin. Her whole body looks perfect except for her flight feathers and tail feathers. Her tail feathers are like falling out. It looks like new ones are growing in though. This is hard to fully explain on here. Could I send a picture of what I am talking about? Now today it looks like she is pooping blood and the poop is strange looking. It is long and colored and has a redish, brownish color to it. It could be her diet though. We feed her her seed diet and fruits and vegtables. I have gotten so close to this bird. Can you help me? Can she even molt at 4 months? I thought they did not molt until 6-7 months. I cannot get her to a vet until Monday. Please help. I can explain more if you need me too. She is acting okay and eating good though.

Thank you

Jamie Wilderman