> Please help!! Is my budgie dying?

Please help!! Is my budgie dying?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
A puffed up bird that sits on the cage bottom is a sick bird. Take the poor thing to a vet for treatment or dig its little grave. Don't make it suffer.


Please got to a vet.

My female budgie is very puffed up. I started noticing that she was bigger than our other budgie maybe a month ago and she just kept getting bigger and bigger. Recently I've noticed her eyes are very swollen, her appetite has increased greatly, she sometimes will just sit at the bottom of the cage for a long period of time not moving, and always puts her head into her wings. She also threw up twice today and kept bobbing her head. Is she dying? Also, I can't take her to the vet for a few days...is that too long?