> Pleas help?? Does anyone know bout hatching duck eggs?

Pleas help?? Does anyone know bout hatching duck eggs?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
We found some duck eggs in our yard and want to know how to hatch em?? He have heat lamps anthing els???

Sweetheart, I raise birds and in this case trying to hatch these duck eggs is a lost cause. Did you find them in a ducks nest? If so put them back and don't bother her eggs again. If the nest is abandoned the eggs may be to old and not fertile. And if the eggs were cold when you found them then they won't hatch. A heat lamp is good for keeping baby birds warm but it won't hatch an egg. You would have to have an incubator and know how to use it. Sorry.

Google what the exact temperature should be. But make sure the momma duck isn't coming back for them. You could buy it rent an incubator and that would probably be te best. Or buy a female duck that will sit on them! Make sure they're fertilized otherwise there's no point!

We found some duck eggs in our yard and want to know how to hatch em?? He have heat lamps anthing els???